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PAPPA Winter Showcase
Springfield Country Club, 400 W. Sproul Rd, Springfield, PA 19064
Tuesday, Jan. 25 - 50th Anniversary Reception 6:30 to 8 p.m. @ Springfield Country Club - $25 per person includes appetizers and 2 drink tickets.
Wednesday, Jan. 26 - Professional Education: 9 to 10 a.m.
Cliff Quicksell presents "Being a Strategic Sales Person"
What is it that clients and prospects look for nowadays, is it just price? No! They are looking for someone who understands their business who can help them drive measurability and success. Attend this session and hear, in detail, various proven techniques. PAPPA Members: FREE / Non-Members: $20 per person
Exhibits Open: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
PAPPA Members: FREE / Non-Members: $25 per person
Masks are encouraged but not mandatory.
No food will provided for this show.
Call: 610-901-1048 Email: Address: PO Box 104, Westtown, PA 19395