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Wednesday, April 23, 2025
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Spooky Nook
75 Champ Blvd, Manheim, PA 17545
450 distributors and clients are expected at this show!
PAPPA Members: $200 for 6 foot table; extra 6 ft table $175
Non-Members: $275 for 6 foot table; extra 6 ft table $175
Bring your own table covering
Show cancellation policy for exhibitors: Payment required in full with contract. Payments are not accepted the week prior to or at the show. All spaces are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Payment in full guarantees space for the show. Cancellation of space after March 29, will result in a forfeiture of $100 per table purchased. Entire fees will be forfeited if space is cancelled after April 5, 2025.
Call: 610-901-1048 Email: Address: PO Box 104, Westtown, PA 19395